Blog Attempt #1


The title is pretty self-explanatory; this is my first attempt at updating my blog! While I'm not excited about writing each blog post in HTML every time I want to post something, it seems way easier for me than any of the alternatives. Besides, I like HTML! I think it's a pretty easy language to get the hang of for someone who's just starting out. I think I've done a pretty snazzy job setting this place up, considering it's been a little under a week since I started.

Honestly, once I get things going, the blog portion of my site might become my favorite to update! It's nice to ramble without the expectation of people actually reading. Though, I guess I wouldn't mind if people did start paying attention to my work. I'm not betting on it though! All of this is just a fun creative outlet for me, as well as a way to keep in touch with some friends from Cohost (rip eggbug).

Anyway, I'm just excited to have a place to shout into the void without the void shouting back. Thanks for reading, and see you next time!