Untitled Platformer

I am practicing game development in Godot alongside my other endeavors.

Game development has been an interest of mine for at least three years, if not longer. I finally took the plunge in 2021, got halfway through a tutorial series on YouTube, and gave up to focus on university. Now that I have finished my degree, I have time to focus on my hobbies again. I find that I understand much more about programming and game development now than I did three years ago, and I am having a lot more fun as a result. I am building a very simple platformer to practice finishing a project. I am using assets I bought years ago, looking up Godot tutorials for specific things I want to implement, and generally having a good time. I am not sure if I will ever publish this game, but I thought I would let you know about it.

The Odin Project

The Odin Project is a free online curriculum for those interested in learning web development.

The process of creating this site taught me that I greatly enjoy programming. What was once an impossible interest of mine had become a tangible skill I was building, and I wanted to feed it. I tried many courses before The Odin Project but, despite lots of practice in their IDE's, I froze when faced with my own projects. What sets The Odin Project apart is that it teaches students the skills necessary to build their own projects from scratch, and has them doing so as early as possible. It has been an invaluable resource in my learning journey so far, and I recommend it if web development is something you're interested in.

Please note that I am a student with The Odin Project, and not yet a contributor

This website!

You are looking at it :3

I started this project when Cohost announced its shutdown in September, 2024. Us chosters had a month to congregate offsite with our friends, with many moving to Discord servers, other social media sites, and personal websites. I took many lessons from my time on Cohost, and the most relevant to this project is that social media sites are ephemeral; if I want an enduring space for my shenanigans, I will have to maintain one myself. With no prior knowledge, a few online courses, and a template builder from SadGrl, I had a janky little corner of the internet in about two weeks. It grows and changes as I do, and I hope you enjoy watching its development.